
If you had said 15 years ago I would be homeschooling my children, I would have told you that you were crazy.

Back then, when I thought of homeschoolers, three things came to mind:

  1. Homeschool kids always won the National Spelling Bee.
  2. Homeschool families didn’t have televisions.
  3. Homeschool kids made their own clothes, lived on remote farms and had long braided hair.

Clearly, I didn’t have a proper picture of what it meant to be a homeschooler in the 21st century.

Winning the spelling bee is awesome (I got 4th place in my 3rd grade spelling bee and I was traumatized…that’s a blog post for another day), as is sewing your own clothing, living on a farm and braiding your hair. In terms of the no TV thing, that’s debatable 🙂

The bottom line, and one I didn’t learn until I had my own children, is that homeschooling is for EVERYONE. The misconceptions surrounding homeschoolers will probably exist forever, but that doesn’t mean homeschooling should be viewed through a narrow and clouded lens (like the one I was wearing 15 years ago).

From the day we enrolled our oldest in Kindergarten, our educational journey began to evolve, inevitably bringing us to our present circumstances. I am grateful for all the teachers and school communities who have supported my kids, but I know we are where we are meant to be.

I am proud to be a homeschooler and an advocate for home education.

We start our school day on Wednesday and three of my four kids will be home educated (our oldest is attending a private Catholic high school).

Whether you homeschool, unschool, forest school, public school or private school, I hope you check in and see what we are up to. The resources and educational insight I share through my site are meant for everyone.

Here is to a wonderful start to the school year!

2 thoughts on “Misconceptions”

  1. Thanks for sharing Betsy! I never in a million years thought I would be homeschooling but watching my kiddos learn through distance learning was really fun. It also made me realize that it is important for me to know what my kids are learning about so I can carry it thru to everything we do.

  2. Channeling your Laura Ingalls Wilder side is a good thing! You should let the kids read those by the way. I think it’s great, keep up the good work!

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